Our leadership

Historic Virginia & Truckee Trail is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We are led by a volunteer board of directors. They give their time with the goal of completing the V&T Trail within the next five years.

Donna Inversin – President

Donna was born and raised in East San Diego County. The Rancho Cuyamaca State Park, California Riding and Hiking Trail, and what would later become the Pacific Crest Trail were literally her playground. She raised her two children in San Diego and Ventura Counties while pursuing her career in nursing. Camping and hiking with her children was always part of their lives.

Donna moved to Carson City in 2006 looking for a place to retire and Carson City had many of the features she was looking for.This included a small community where she could become involved, great access to hiking and camping, availability of arts and cultural events, and a city center where she could live and play with minimal use of an automobile. After moving to Carson City Donna was pleasantly surprised to see how much effort had been put into preserving open spaces within the city limits.

She has been a Muscle Powered board member since 2007, has served as President walk leader, secretary, treasurer, and trash mob leader. Donna is currently a member of the Carson City Open Space Advisory Committee.  When Donna became aware of the history of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, the goal of developing it into a Rail Trail developed into a passion for her.

Tom McCormack

Tom McCormack is a 23 year resident of Carson City, living within a short walk of the Historic Virginia and Truckee Trail. He’s retired from a 30 year career in education, the last 15 years of which were with the Nevada Department of Education. In that position he was the Department’s Education Program Professional for the state’s public charter schools. He was born and raised in Wisconsin, home of the long-distance Ice Age National Scenic Trail and 111 rail-trails. He lived in Wisconsin until 1998 when he moved to Nevada, specifically the Tahoe region, to continue a life-long interest in active outdoor recreation.

He cherishes the Lake, the Sierra Nevada, the deserts, the climate, the abundant public lands and colorful history of this area. All these interests intersect, more or less, with the vision of the Historic V&T Trail to create a rail trail on the route of the former Virginia and Truckee Railroad. Joining the Historic V&T Trail allows him to lend a hand in achieving that vision.

Mary Laub – Treasurer

Mary Laub is a retired financial analyst, having worked for various Department of Defense and federal land management agencies.  She is also a former Air Force Pilot.  She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.  She lives in Minden, Nevada with her husband and they enjoy skiing, hiking, and boating.  She has been the HV&TT Treasurer since May 2023.

Dan Oster

Dan earned a Bachelor of Science In Management and a master’s in Business Administration from the University of Nevada, Reno.  He entered the commercial real estate field in 2004 specializing in the sale and leasing of industrial properties. Dan Oster and a group of partners established NAI Alliance in 2005 and have been leading firm in the Northern Nevada Commercial Real Estate Community for 20 years and counting. Dan cares about the bicycling community and is currently involved with the Northern Nevada Interscholastic Cycling League of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association.

Ray Freeman

Ray Freeman is a native of Nevada who has lived in Carson City for 43 years. He is a retired police officer who began his career with the Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C., served with the Nevada Highway Patrol, and finished his career as the Undersheriff of Carson City. Ray is a grateful user of the trails in the area and has helped build and maintain those trails as a Muscle Powered volunteer. Ray became a board member to assist in making this long-term project a reality for future generations. Ray also supports the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Adventure Cyclist Association, and The League of American Bicyclists.

Juan Guzman

Since his childhood at the beach in Puerto Rico Juan developed an affinity for the outdoors. He studied Geography and  worked as a planner in San Bernardino and Mono County, California. After meeting TJ, his future wife, they moved north and continued his planning career in Douglas County and Carson City, Nevada. He retired in September of 2014 after serving as the first Carson City, Open Space Administrator. In addition to his three grandkids, Juan is passionate about the stewardship of public open spaces and sustainable forms of recreation. The Carson Range where he lives is such a historic and scenic area and outdoor recreation is a major contributor to our fantastic quality of life. 

Donna Inversin asked Juan to collaborate  with a non-profit organization for the advancement of the Historic V&T Trail that she had created. The vision to connect five counties in northwestern Nevada through a mostly paved trail, following as much as possible the route of the Historic V&T Railroad, which continues to the present day to be embedded into our phenomenal landscapes is extremely compelling and alluring to him. This nonprofit organization has accomplished a lot in a short time frame and future growth and strength is tied  to collaboration and partnerships with in kind  organizations and public agencies. Based on his past work experience, and present participation with the Boards of the Carson Valley Trails Association and Muscle Powered, Juan anticipates that fostering and maintaining these critical  relationships will become one of his main areas of contribution to the development of the Historic V&T Trail.