March 2024 News

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Historic Virginia & Truckee Trail’s (HV&TT) quarterly newsletter. Through this newsletter, our website, public information presentations, and participation in related community events we will keep you informed about and invite you to help move toward our goal of completing a nationally recognized rail-trail on the route of the former Virginia and Truckee Railroad. To receive updates, subscribe here.


  • Purchased an “easy-up” for use in public information presentations and community events. It’s brightly colored, attention-getting, proudly displays the HV&TT logo, and clarifies through text that the Trail, while highlighting the historic V&T Railroad, is an active outdoor recreation trail for hikers, bikers, walkers, runners, equestrians, community and connectivity.
  • Continued development of this website. HV&TT signed an agreement with a generous new volunteer, Brian Phelps of PhelpsTek. We are working on updating our trail map for use on this website.
  • Identified a complete map of wayfinding, arrow, map panel and interpretive signs needed for the Trail.
  • Continued efforts to establish a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with Reno Parks and Recreation.

Public information presentations

  • We contacted Wheeler Conservation, the new owner of the Bently conservation easements in Douglas County. A section of HV&TT will pass through their lands. They have expressed interest in trails like the HV&TT and plan to review the project with the Nature Conservancy, and possibly revise terms and conditions of the easements, hopefully to enable establishment of the Trail.
  • We met with the Chair of the Mound House Citizens Advisory Board. Our goal is to present to the entire board sometime in April.
  • On December 4, 2023, we met with the Washoe Valley Alliance.
  • On January 16, 2024, we made a presentation to the Procrastinating Pedalers (18-20 attending).
  • On January 22, we made a presentation to the Carson City Democrats (17 attending).
  • On January 18, 224, we made a presentation to the Douglas County Board of Commissioners. Shortly afterward the Board approved its Trails Plan, which includes the HV&TT.
  • On January 24, 2024, we met with Teema Hammond, President of the Golden TV Network. She expressed interest in producing a documentary on the HV&TT and related organizations such as Muscle Powered and the Carson Valley Trails Association.
  • On February 11, 2024, we made a presentation to 20 interested community members hosted and sponsored by the Minden Mill.
  • On February 15, 2024, we made a presentation to the Truckee Meadows/South Washoe Valley Citizens’ Advisory Board.

Funding and Grants

  • We submitted a Conserve Nevada Grant application on December 28, 2023. If approved, it would fund a study of trail route feasibility through northern Douglas County including a crossing of the Carson River.

Upcoming Presentations

  • April 1, presentation to the Carson City Men’s Club.
  • April 2, HV&TT Board of Directors meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact us
  • April 17, Presentation to the Leisure Hour Club of Carson City.
  • April 27, Rails to Trails Days – Considering ways to celebrate this day.
  • May 2, Tentatively scheduled meeting with the Storey County Planning Commission.
  • May 6-9, Representation at the National Outdoor Recreation Conference in South Lake Tahoe.
  • May 7, HV&TT Board of Directors meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact us.
  • May 18, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Representation at the Celebrating Washoe Valley event at Washoe Lake State Park. If you would like to help at this event please contact us.
  • May 23, 6:30 pm presentation at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City.
  • June 4, HV&TT Board of Directors meeting. If you are interested in attending, please contact us.
  • June 13, 5:30 pm presentation at the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City.
  • June 22, 7:00 am – 1:30 pm, Nevada Outdoor Experience, Capital City Gun Club. If you would like to help at this event please contact us.